What the Heck

What the Heck

Be Happier, Be Healthier What the Heck What The Heck  This weeks workout is a real game changer when it comes to keeping your blood pumping and will definitely have you saying “What the Hell” when your all done. Obviously, push yourself but don’t...
Getting Up is Tough

Getting Up is Tough

Be Happier, Be Healthier Getting Up Is Tough Getting Up Is Tough This week we took a compound exercise and made it our main course of this delicious workout. and now we’re Hungry, maybe Ill go find us some baklava. Enjoy! If you do not own weights, don’t...
The Turkey Burn

The Turkey Burn

Be Happier, Be Healthier The Turkey Burn The Turkey Burn With Turkey Day right around the corner we wanted to give you a little something to earn that bird. This weeks Wednesday Workout is a Full Body Attack with a higher focus on burn. Lower set but Higher reps my...
Core of Our Nation

Core of Our Nation

Be Happier, Be Healthier Core of Our Nation (Veterans) Core of Our Nation We have a special workout today and a special request for Veterans Day. We know that our Military Men and Women are the Core of our great country and so today’s workout is in honor of...
Some days you Gotta Push/Pull

Some days you Gotta Push/Pull

Be Happier, Be Healthier Some days you gotta push/pull Today we have something special, a double dose of the Workout Wednesday…after the vote edition! Democracy is strong at Average Bob and we wanted to give you a choice so pick which workout you want and go for...
The Whole Sha’Bang

The Whole Sha’Bang

Be Happier, Be Healthier The Whole Sha’Bang The Whole Sha'Bang “The Whole Sha’Bang” I am real proud of this one! We are working the whole body in this routine so add it to any of your rotations. Let me know what you think about the video and...