by Bob | Oct 21, 2020 | Lower Body |
Be Happier, Be Healthier Dumb(Bell) Leg Day Dumb(Bell) Leg Day This one is a doosey~! If leg days are your thing here is a workout for you. Be careful with the amout of weight your using per excersise as you want to complete the reps for each set. Work smarter not...
by Bob | Oct 14, 2020 | Core Workout, Lower Body, Upper Body |
Be Happier, Be Healthier The Whole Sha’Bang The Whole Sha'Bang “The Whole Sha’Bang” I am real proud of this one! We are working the whole body in this routine so add it to any of your rotations. Let me know what you think about the video and...
by Bob | Oct 7, 2020 | Upper Body |
Be Happier, Be Healthier Arm Flab Finisher Arm Flab Finisher A common issue when losing weight or being on a routine for a while is the dreaded Arm Flab! That hanging little chub that sits under your awesome bicep. The good ol’ Tricep is just as important and...
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